
confused Island?

I parked your mountain bike? Bike? Bike?
engage your nerves with the costal oxygen from the point on the earth typically refered to as an island, a large mass of land surrounded by water in a ring shape, that may or may not also house a volcano, another large mass of stone that can errupt causing massive harm to it's surroundings.
Observe the tiny crustaceans? like a lobster?
slip sideways into the oxygen like a carbon dioxide?
The spirits of this land mass with water all around like a?
raged at my spinal cord like a?
Was it her Native Americans!

Wanderer! a term typically used to describe a human or object that moves around with no clear start or end point. possibly around many islands, a large mass of land surrounded by water in a ring shape, that may or may not also house a volcano, another large mass of stone that can errupt causing massive harm to it's surroundings.
a sea faring slave carrying palms are sweaty knees weak, arms are heavy sail ship boat like a like a like a like a like a like a?
That docked here in private like a
and unloaded its occupants like a?

They speak in the oxygen? like? a?
God’s exhale.
the planet that we all currently reside upon's exhale.
We are transferring our energy into our muscles together? Like?
among the graceful sea tall water weed grasses?


Jekyll Island

I parked my bike
to listen to the wind
watched the tiny sea crabs
slip sideways into the sand.

The spirits of the island
raged at my back
Was it her Native Americans?

Now I know it was The Wanderer
a slave ship that docked here 
as the crew secretly unloaded her cargo

They speak in the wind
God's breath
Earth's breath
Their kiss.
We sway together among the graceful sea grasses. 


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